Firebug For Mac Safari


Safari for Mac

Firebug Lite 1.2 Test. Firebug Lite 1.2 からは、DOMインスペクタがサポートされました。 これで、Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari でも console.log と DOMインスペクタが簡単に利用できるようになりました。. 1.Action Extension for Safari, brings remote Web Inspector to debug your webpages in Safari. A Inline Web Inspector that is a real Chrome like DevTool for iPad Safari. 2.Inline Web inspector (like Chrome DevTool or FireBug): With Elements,Resources, Network, Timeline, Console panel.

Next, open the Safari app and open this current page (go to and search for “Firebug Lite” and select the tutorial for the iPad). Now copy the code in the section (Firebug Lite bookmarklet code) Create a temporary bookmark in mobile Safari. Open Safari and click Settings (highlighted below) Preferences Advanced. Then select Show Develop menu in menu bar. To show the menu bar, click Settings Show Menu Bar.

Safari is included with your Mac operating system.

Firebug For Mac Safari

Updating Safari

Firebug For Mac Safari Browser

To keep Safari up to date for the version of macOS you're using, install the latest macOS updates.

The most recent version of macOS includes the most recent version of Safari. For some earlier versions of macOS, Safari might also be available separately from the Updates tab of the App Store.


Reinstalling Safari

If you deleted Safari and don't have a Time Machine backup or other backup, reinstall macOS to put Safari back in your Applications folder. Reinstalling macOS doesn't remove data from your computer.

Before reinstalling, you might want to use Spotlight to search for Safari on your Mac. If you find it, but it's no longer in your Dock, just drag it to the Dock to add it back.

Firebug For Mac Safari Plugin

Firebug For Mac Safari

Safari for Windows

Apple no longer offers Safari updates for Windows. Safari 5.1.7 for Windows was the last version made for Windows, and it is now outdated.